Experience it all with wonder - vintage

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Your mom might ask how a "torn" T-shirt could cost as much as a new one, and your grandma might offer to hem it for you, so be careful where you "hide" it around the house. However, the moment you tell them the story of the T-shirt, you will completely disarm them: all the funds go to building a children's hospital! The drawing was made by an 8-year-old girl, inspired by the text written by cardiologist Vasi Rădulescu for the Facebook page "Message on the Fridge" and generously donated for this project. We also have a version for boys, also with a unicorn – there was a whole discussion here, but if that's what Ioana (the little girl who drew) wanted, I couldn't interfere with the author! What we guarantee is that you will be turning heads, and the cotton from which the T-shirt is made is 100% organic! _____

**Please contact us for orders larger than 20 pieces.**